MODEL: PR-10500-4CNC
Made in Italy
The PR-10500-4CNC 4 roll plate bending machine is the ultimate in production
plate rolling. It has the same internals as its sister models the PR-10500-4 and
PR-10500-4NC but incorporates a CNC touchscreen controller that has been specially
designed for Baileigh Industrial. When designing a CNC controller for a bending
machine, one will encounter considerable challenges. The main difficulty is
resolving the tolerance of the yield point of the various materials that are bent:
aka lots of material nominally "identical" to each other, often presents bending
results that are quite different.
The PR-10500-4CNC also has a CAD system that allows you to draw shapes to be
bent with the Numerical Control, or, if you prefer, loading them in DXF format from
USB pen-drive. There is also the possibility to have a second desktop or laptop,
configured with the same application, so you can run them elsewhere, and then export
it to the CNC. After loading the form chosen, simply choose the type of material
that has been previously stored in special libraries, and the computer automatically
generates the program to bend it. The pre-existing system of manual programming
"auto-teaching" has been maintained to ensure the total flexibility of control.
Technical Features of the CNC Programmer on the PR-10500-4CNC plate roll